0 Days…
23 Hours….
1398 Minutes…
83927 Seconds ‘till 2011.
Woohooo… I am so ready to embrace this New Year!
So many great things to look forward to, I cannot believe how fast this year has gone by. And since we're so close to the New Year It’s the perfect timing to recap 2010 and start thinking of my New Years Resolutions. Only that I plan to stick to them this time around, unlike previous years.
Here’s a recap of some of the great happenings of 2010;
Jan - Decided to no longer be tenants and made plans to become Homeowners.
Feb - Sacrificed 4 months of having our own space and moved in with our in-laws to safe money.
Mar. - Worked really hard and saved every penny for the down payment of our new home.
April - Finally got the approval from our lender and started the First Time Home Buyer process.
May - The hunt for our new home began (Oh boy this was the difficult part of it all). Yet we found “Our home at first sight”.
Jun. - Finally got through the closing and received the keys to our new home (yayyyy, felt so good to call a house your own). We moved it right away to start cleaning and renovating.
Jul. - Moved in the rest of our furniture and re-arranged our bedroom.
Aug. - Started getting super busy with work and had to re-schedule some of the projects we planned in our home.
Sept. - Painted my stepson’s room.
Oct. - Worked on securing our backyard to bring our dog home (he stayed at our in-laws in the mean time). Purchased the new TV for our master bedroom.
Nov .- Purchased our reclining sectional and had our first Thanksgiving celebration with both sides of our family (and what a great time we had). Also, we brought our sweet dog “Diesel” home and set up our Christmas tree right after Thanksgiving to welcome our favorite holiday.
Dec. - Decorated our home for Christmas and enjoyed the holiday spirit with the family.
Now to my New Year’s resolutions:
1. Declutter / Organize our home.
2. Make more home cooked meals (come up with a monthly menu) + Bake more often.
3. Adopt healthier eating habits (a lot less junk food, more protein, more veggies) + come up with a plan to stay fit.
4. Remodel the two living/rental units and finally get them rented out.
5. Pick a color scheme to paint the rest of our house (Exterior, Dining Room Columns, Kitchen, Office, Master Bedroom).
6. Organize our closets and install new shelving units.
7. Work on renovating our Laundry room which is now being used as a storage room.
8. Purchase and Install new lighting in our master bedroom, dining room, living room and hallway.
9. Dedicate more time to my blog and be more consistent with postings (post daily) + Practice photography in order to become better at it.
10. Re-do our kitchen (keeping my fingers crossed for this one).
I hope you had a great 2010 and wish you a New Year filled with many blessings, adventures, and creativity!